Peaceful and inclusive societies are societies where there is no physical or psychological violence, where abuse and exploitation of children, child trafficking and torture have ended and where no people die as a result of violence.
All people have access to justice and can defend themselves against discrimination and injustice. Public access to information is guaranteed. Corruption and bribery are reduced.
Political institutions are effective, accountable and transparent. Decisions are made in inclusive, representative and participatory processes.
In order to reduce violence, the illegal arms trade is reduced and all forms of organised crime are combated. Illicit financial flows, e.g. through corruption, tax evasion and tax fraud decrease.
Current situation:
Worldwide: At least 331 human rights defenders were killed in 2020. (The Guardian, 11.2.2021)
Switzerland: In the canton of Neuchâtel, foreigners have been entitled to vote at communal level since 1859. (available in German, French or Italian: Panorama der politischen Rechte von Ausländerinnen und Ausländern in der Schweiz)